Now I know how all those Michael Jackson fans feel, Alex Chilton, one of my music idols died on March 17, 2010.
This is where it started, where a 16 year old Alex Chilton was introduce to the music world as the singer of the 60's band The Box Tops.
This is where it started, where a 16 year old Alex Chilton was introduce to the music world as the singer of the 60's band The Box Tops.
One of my favorite stories I ever heard in rock was how a tour with The Doors changed them, especially Alex Chilton. Before that tour their management wanted to make The Box Tops like another 60's band, The Buckinghams, but after a few shows with The Doors that changed, they ditch the suits and nice clean look and became stoner hippies.
In music you're lucky if your in 1 good band, well Alex Chilton was in 2, after The Box Tops ended, he would start another that was seen as one of the most influential, Big Star.
Like I said in a post here, another in the long list of bands that should have been big back when they started, but no one paid any attention to them, overlooked by the public. And still that didn't stop them and although the voice is now gone, the music he made with The Box Tops, Big Star and his solo work will forever live on.